Apr 29, 2018
PROPHETIC NEWS! BILLY GRAHAM was laid in the Capitol during the FEAST OF PURIM! What does this mean? What is happening now in America and the Nations that YOU NEED TO KNOW?
Apr 27, 2018
The President Schmoozes the Nation! 75% of viewers approved. Who looked good? Who looked bad? Did Mike Pence really put Super Glue on all the democrats seats before they arrived? Here’s the news you won’t hear anywhere else.
Apr 25, 2018
From Tax Cuts to ISIS ... What has Trump done for you this past year? I'm sharing everything you need to know.
Apr 23, 2018
The Lance Wallnau Show: January 21, 2018 What’s really going on with the shutdown, the top secret memo, and the immigration battle?
Apr 21, 2018
In this episode of "The Lance Wallnau Show" we talk Antifa, call out Paul Ryan, expose the household name CEO's that are funding the "Anti-Christian" Southern Poverty Law Center, translate what James Clapper is REALLY saying about Trump when he questions Trump's fitness to be in office and LAST and most important we...