Jul 26, 2019
Finally got this wild Mario Murillo interview recording for you.
We went down some incendiary paths on that call. Catch it while
it’s available.
I pinned it to the top of my “Lance Wallnau” Facebook
Also, I’m so mad at this fake social security scam I’m getting
calls about. I’m half ready to prank...
Jul 13, 2019
I'm on my way to DFW airport with my trusty sidekick Rick. I've been thinking about how the secularists, agnostics and atheists say that all religions are the same - same god, same principles and that really all roads lead to the same direction. I decided to test out their theory. Find out just how absurd it is!
Jul 10, 2019
Join me tonight as we discover the prophetic pattern, hidden in the Bible, that explains the rise of Donald Trump... And What Is Coming Next!
Jul 5, 2019
Grab your bible, this is the feast of the open book! Join me as we continue our bible study.
Jul 4, 2019
I wanted to thank you all for your prayers while I went through my shocking surgery last week, it was quite a ride!
I came out of it fast because of your prayers and I'm probably in better shape now than I was before. God is moving and a lot of people are going to ignore the call.
Join me on August 29th to September...