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The Lance Wallnau Show

Sep 27, 2019

Adam Schiff - chairman of deep state intelligence committee just lied and made up a transcript of the Presidents talk with Ukraine leader. LIED! And later dismissed it.

Sep 26, 2019

Nothing amazes me more than the BREAKING NEWS nobody hears. Trump takes on U.N. world order and follows up with first ever U.N. mtg on the plight of persecuted believers - and nobody knows! At the end of my step by step analysis of Trumps bold challenge to nations. Each punch thrown at corrupt players in the...

Sep 18, 2019

There was a great story in the Epoch Times recently about Comey, James Clapper & John Brennan.

Remember the supposed story where Russia supposedly had compromising information on the President that turned out to be totally false? Well Comey knew it was fictitious from the start! That didn't matter though, because he and...

Sep 15, 2019

Colorado has been under siege by progressives and legislators wanting to make our state as ungodly as possible. Unopposed, they will succeed. As Christians, we need not be intimidated or feel powerless to see things change. We must rally together to restore faith, family, and freedom to our communities and to...

Sep 14, 2019

We had a wild time at our D.C. event recently but now I'm travelling again to Andrew Wommack's "In God We Trust" Rally.

I'm going to let you in on how Colorado was used as a blueprint for the leftist takeover of America and how 4 multimillionaires used that blueprint to flip Colorado at all levels. They took it from one...