Feb 27, 2020
The 7m strategy is really something that I began working on and making public a decade ago when I noticed how the church as a rule was not really affecting cultural transformation. A lot of ministries engaged in it. But it's such a complicated subject, it seems it is just begging for a simpler template. This is a...
Feb 25, 2020
What has God called you to do? You might not know what your career convergence zone is but I’m going to show you. First you need to take the Mountain Of Me! Supercharge your personal development by learning how to use your gifts, talents, and skills, then identifying your constraints. Convergence is finding that sweet...
Feb 24, 2020
When I turned 50 my wife and I moved our family 1500 miles away from everyone we knew and started a whole new life teaching a wild new idea about Seven Mountains. Starting from scratch, I discovered how to build an audience and reach the world...
Feb 18, 2020
The Feast of Purim is coming up and it truly is the feast of feasts. That’s when Hamon comes in with his deep state intrigue to kill off all the believers in the capital city of Persia and that plot needs to be exposed. McCabe is being given a free ride though he’s lied four times on record. This just goes...
Feb 14, 2020
I'm in Denver, Colorado about to give a talk but I wanted to give you a quick update on what's happening right now. Roger Stone, Manafort, Flynn - all of these guys have been caught up in the left's "Trump crime trail" unravelling, even though there was no crime. I mean we're still trying to figure out exactly what...