Apr 29, 2020
Economic meltdown and political crisis was predicted 2 months before Donald Trump was elected. It’s written in my book, God's Chaos Candidate. Here's what I wrote on page 14:
"America has four historic crucibles. The first crucible was the revoluionary war, the second crucible was the civil war, the third crucible was the great depression and world war 2 combined and the fourth crucible is upon us."
Plus, there was an interesting prophecy from Heidi Baker in there - I wrote about national economic meltdown and look where we are! Donald Trump is doing everything he can to keep America from the brink of economic disaster while stuck in the snake pit of Washington listening to people like Fauci and Cuomo.
It's not all dire news though! Haggai tells us that God is in the economic shaking - God wants to reveal His plan for His church - and his voice is getting clearer. YOU are about to be joined together as a mighty army. Regions of this country will shake.