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The Lance Wallnau Show

Jul 24, 2020

On today’s Firewall, I’m joined once again by Cindy Jacobs to talk about the important things happening in America.

What is the relationship between prophetic people and prayer? I’ve noticed that some of the most zealous intercessory people tend to be the same people who embrace prophetic life. We discuss the intercessory movement of the ’90s and 2000s, the Jeremiah anointing placed on the intercessors who grew to become prophets, and the importance of access points.

Another topic of great importance has been the climate of fear surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, followed by the move into an incendiary racial conflict after the murder of George Floyd. Cindy has worked on racial reconciliation for 30 years with the church. Things were a lot better when it came to race relations, but now they are worse. Race relations have become a politicized weapon. Initially, we had white and black protestors coming out and showing their support for each other, but then came the anarchists, the organized mob who had pallets of bricks delivered across cities. It’s them we need to watch out for, the mob who does the looting. They’re not there to make a political statement, and they’re just capitalizing on the anarchy to loot.

Did you know that 35% of Americans are enlightened evangelicals? That makes us larger than both the Democrat and Republican parties! The thing is, we’ve not mobilized. Cindy was talking last week about the Marxist-Leninists who have five thousand card-carrying revolutionaries. We are probably in a place where this is the dress rehearsal for a time to come. This is the beginning of the shakings of our foundations. The fear phase is done; the hate phase is in progress; the next thing to look for is the greed phase - the economic battle coming in September, October, and November.

Our nation will need to decide what it wants to be - a full-throated socialist country with the redistribution of wealth and freedom or the nation that reasserts the ideas that made America unique in the first place.