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The Lance Wallnau Show

Jun 30, 2020

I'm working on a new book, and I need your help picking the title! Help me choose by visiting:

I have a powerful revelation for you. I was doing a Kenneth Copeland social media call recently, and I read from Mark chapter four, verse 37. Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace, be still," and then there was a great calm. It requires one anointing to speak to the cause of the storm, and there's another that speaks to the condition the storm is created. It's like the race issue triggered by the death of George Floyd. The Democrats knew that Trump had a startlingly high favorability rating with African Americans. So the Democrats had to weaponize race - they had to, as with Candace Owens launching the Blexit campaign, they couldn't afford not to.

Let's talk about the data. What's the empirical evidence for the accusation that the police are hunting people? Well, it isn't true. You know the left is always wanting to be scientific when it's to their advantage, and then they're unscientific when they want to manipulate. We're going to look at that data.

If we look at these Antifa people responsible for pulling down statues, like the pictures President Trump shared, you can see that they are manifestations of territorial spirits in a person. They don't have thoughts. The thoughts have them! Plus did you see that the John Wayne statue is the next to be targeted for removal?

Meanwhile, former President Obama went on record with the Democratic party on television with Joe Biden. Do you know what he said? He said He's so proud of what he's seeing happen in the youth. It's a new Great Awakening. What he calls a great awakening is looting, destruction, the burning of the flag, and the overturning of America. It means it's a fake awakening. The Democrat party today is not the Democratic Party of your dad and mom. Today they've finally been taken over by Marxist left-wing radicals who despise capitalism and free economic markets and everything that goes along with capitalism. And so to them, the country was founded as evil, unfair, racist, and bigoted. What they're doing is not destroying anything other than the people who built the country.

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