Jul 31, 2023
Today's broadcast discusses the threat of Artificial intelligence, the Hunter Biden sweetheart deal collapse, and the propaganda machine running full steam ahead. We'll introduce you to the mama bear movement coming out of South America, and God is raising up women to fight this battle with us!
Jul 31, 2023
Today we're delving into some controversial, yet deeply insightful revelations from the Bible, promising transformative wisdom for your spiritual journey. Let's explore the divine roles of nations, kings, and servants in God's eternal plan, understand the profound importance of the Firstborn, and stress the need to...
Jul 30, 2023
On today's broadcast, Lance is speaking to an enthusiastic crowd in Israel on the subject of the marketplace and how it relates to the Levites. God plans to take territory as a testimony to the world of what the kingdom age looks like; your job is to...
Jul 29, 2023
On today's episode of Prophetic Convergence, Lance and Barry Segal discuss the populist backlash happening in Europe and how it ties into the awakening in Israel. Join them as they explore the parallel tracks between Israel and the United States, the globalist meddling in Israel of their media, financial institutions,...
Jul 28, 2023
On today's broadcast, we're exploring the top stories of the week as the DOJ is suing Governor Abbott for the dumbest of reasons, Dr. Jordan Peterson interviews RFK Jr., and we look at the cornerstone of the Marxist destruction of our meritocracy. We've got a lot to discuss today as we talk about the barriers on the...