Jan 10, 2022
In this episode, Lance and Carl Wallnau discuss the importance of self-talk as it pertains to the triad of state: focus, meaning, & physiology. The questions we ask ourselves shape our lives. What questions do you ask yourself every...
Jan 2, 2022
I'm going to share with you how we can become a better version of ourselves and then be able to level up in life. It all starts with understanding what we're good at so that we can capitalize on our strengths and not our weaknesses. That's why it's important for us as people, no matter who we are or where we come from,...
Dec 21, 2021
The hopes and dreams of young female athletes are being crushed by the woke International Olympic Committee's rule changes that allow male-bodied athletes to compete in the women's sports categories. This has been an issue on the University of Pennsylvania swim team. A trans swimmer smashed several female records, to...
Dec 17, 2021
Jack Posobiec explained that communist China looked at America's
model of capitalism and saw that it was an industrial powerhouse.
They copied what America did by creating giant corporations with a
built-in market of one billion people without the labor costs
because of their slave worker camps.
Today we're talking...
Dec 7, 2021
How many of you know that this pandemic plays right into the hands
of the Government and their eternal lust for more power and control
over every aspect of your life? Over in Europe, they are using both
climate and Covid to push the 'build back better' agenda to remake
the world to their liking.
Coming up on today's...